Upcoming events


Macclesfield Landcare Group is now using Humanitix to manage registrations for our events. It will enable us to keep you better informed of any changes to events. It also will enable us to better track event registrations, a requirement for our event insurance through Landcare Victoria.

Planting Day

Planting Day

If you’ve enjoyed reading our newsletter this year, then your editor would like to invite you to her property at Coopers road in Macclesfield for our final planting day for 2024.

We have 400 Ribbons of Green plants to go into a new revegetation project in our back paddock, adjoining Macclesfield Creek and existing revegetation areas established with the help of Melbourne Water.

The day will as always include morning tea and a fabulous lunch!

Parking is inside our property so enter via the gate.

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HeHo Nursery Visit

HeHo Nursery Visit

Get a behind-the-scenes tour at the Yellingbo Indigenous Nursery, run by the Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater and look how they raise thousands of seedlings.

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Community Planting Event

Community Planting Event

  • Mulhalls rd macclesfield Victoria Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The second community planting event will be held at Mulhalls Rd Macclesfield, as part of the Yarra Ranges Ribbons of Green program

The Ribbons of Green program supports revegetation on private land to help create habitat for our local wildlife. This will be the second planting at the property, with the first one held in August.

Please come and join us for an enjoyable planting event, the opportunity to chat to (and get to know) people in your area, and to make a positive impact for our district.

Free morning tea and lunch will be provided (always excellent)

Please bring gloves, solid boots, a water bottle and a hat

The event will be postponed if heavy rain or strong winds are forecast and it would be unsafe to proceed. We will advise you via email if the event is to be postponed

Please Register on Humanitix via the registration button below.

Free event for Macclesfield Landcare Group members

Join Macclesfield Landcare on the day, just $20 per property per year

Not a member? Click HERE to become a member

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Community Planting Event

Community Planting Event

  • Mulhalls rd macclesfield Victoria Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A community planting event will be held at Mulhalls Rd Macclesfield, as part of the Yarra Ranges Ribbons of Green program

The Ribbons of Green program supports revegetation on private land to help create habitat for our local wildlife. This will be the first of two plantings at the property, with the second planting scheduled for late September.

Please come and join us for an enjoyable planting event, the opportunity to chat to (and get to know) people in your area, and to make a positive impact for our district.

Free morning tea and lunch will be provided (always excellent)

Please bring gloves, solid boots, a water bottle and a hat

The event will be postponed if heavy rain or strong winds are forecast and it would be unsafe to proceed. We will advise you via email if the event is to be postponed

Please Register via the registration button below for catering purposes

Free event for Macclesfield Landcare Group members

Join Macclesfield Landcare on the day, just $20 per property per year

Not a member? Click HERE to become a member

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Fencing Repair Workshop

Fencing Repair Workshop

On Saturday the 16th March, Macclesfield Landcare Group ran our second farm fencing repair workshop, at Eastwind Rare Breeds Farm, 25 Coopers Road Macclesfield

Our hosts (Christine, Sally, Darren and Nathan) farm endangered breeds of domestic farm livestock and have an extensive electric fence network. Due to storms, trees over fences and the electric fence mains unit blowing up, they were facing a ‘few’ fencing challenges. Fencing experts were on hand to answer questions and to help members with some ideas for their own properties.

  • Morning Tea and Lunch were provided (including the famous Black Pig free range sausages!!)

  • It was a great opportunity to get learn a bit more about repairing your fences, get some useful tips, and get know people in the area and have a great chat

  • Watch out for our next fencing repair workshop

  • Christine even shared her tips on talking with pigs……

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Community Planting Event

Community Planting Event

On 20th August, Macclesfield Landcare Group ran a Community Planting Event at 24 Mineshaft Road, to revegetate the first area of the property, adjacent to the creekline.

On 24th September we continued this revegetation work, in a second area of 24 Mineshaft Road, further along the creekline.

Macclesfield Landcare Group is working with Yarra Ranges ‘Ribbons of Green’, Melbourne Water and Beyond Yellingbo Group on this indigenous native species revegetation project. The property is on a tributary of the Macclesfield Creek and adjacent to Mineshaft Reserve. These revegetation works will help provide extended habitat for the native animals in our area, with over 600 indigenous native plants planted

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Deep Time Book Launch

Deep Time Book Launch

On Sunday 10th September we came together for the launch of a new book ‘Deep Time - Implications for a Sustainable Agriculture’, written by local community member and highly respected soil consultant Chis Alenson. The event was hosted by Cath and Phil Ellingworth at their property, and supported by Melbourne Water

In the book Chris explores the working of natural systems associated with soil, water and nutrients and how they have developed and evolved over millions, and sometimes billions, of year to create ecosystems that support life. Chris looks at how human activity has depleted and degraded these resources and ecosystems in the relative near-past, and the impacts this will bring. Chris provides valuable insights on what needs to happen to enable sustainable agricultural systems moving forward.

The book is available to borrow from the Macclesfield Landcare Members Book Library (see page on the website), or can be purchased from Chris Alenson (use the Contact form on the website to get in contact if you don’t have Chris’ direct number/email).

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