Property Management Resources

Property Management

  • Frog friendly gardening tips and plants

    Following the successful Frog Bog Workshop event in November 2024, in this article local Melbourne expert David De Angelis shares with us his thoughts on designing and creating frog ponds for your garden and property

  • I've bought a property - now what?

    New landholders who haven’t had previous experience of managing a rural property need support, in order to ensure a smooth transition running their new property.

    Common Ground Fact Sheet from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Responsible Use of Agricultural Chemicals

    The use of chemicals in agricultural landscapes requires landholders to understand their role and responsibilities in ensuring safe handling and application of products.

    Common Ground Fact Sheet from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Property Identification Codes (P.I.C.)

    Many small property owners with livestock are unaware they are REQUIRED by LAW to register their properties for a Property Identification Code (PIC); including single pet animals such as horses and goats.

    Common Ground fact Sheet from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Rabbit Control

    Rabbits are an established pest animal in Victoria. Landowners are responsible for the control and, where possible, eradication of established pest animals on their land.

    Common Ground Fact Sheet from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Protect and Enhance Remnant Native Vegetation

    A guide for protecting and enhancing remnant native vegetation on your land.

    From the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • The Economic Benefits of Native Shelter Belts

    The protection of existing native vegetation and the planting of shelterbelts may provide a multitude of productivity and biodiversity benefits for farming industries.

    From the Basalt to Bay Landcare Network

  • Expenditure on Establishing Shelterbelts

    This ATO fact sheet explains your entitlement to claim an income tax deduction for the cost of establishing shelterbelts on land you use to carry on a primary production business

    From the Australian Taxation Office

  • Create Practical Shelterbelts using Native plantings

    A guide for creating shelterbelts using locally-native plants.

    From the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Pasture Management on Horse Properties

    A common issue on smaller equine holdings is the overgrazing of pastures. This can lead to degradation of soil structure and reduction in groundcover, increases in surface erosion and compaction; and selective grazing which promotes weed dominant species.

    Common Ground Fact Sheet from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Tissue/Plant and Soil Analysis

    Soil and tissue analysis are two of the analytical techniques along with other observations that provide information on which to base on-farm management decisions.

    From Chris Alenson