Sustainable Agriculture Resources

Sustainable Agriculture

  • Transition to Organic Farming

    Introduction to Organic Farming - Organic agriculture has both a philosophical and practical base. Care and enhancement of environmental resources are high on the management agenda. Farmers avoid the direct and/or routine use of readily soluble chemicals and all synthetic pesticides that might be toxic to man or the environment.

    By Chris Alenson - Demonstrating Sustainabe Farm Practices from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • Life in the soil

    A biologically active soil is a healthy living system teeming with microorganisms that: recycle and mobilise plant nutrients; fix nitrogen from the atmosphere; combine soil particles together; store air and water; and minimise plant disease.

    Common Ground Fact Sheet from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network

  • What can I do with my soil?

    What is a healthy soil?

    If our aim is to grow healthy food full of minerals and vitamins with great taste then we must provide a healthy soil

    By Chris Alenson

  • Compost - putting the life back in your soil

    “Use compost during the growing season; use compost when preparing the seed bed: use compost when digging the ground in the autumn. The more compost you use, the more plants you can grow. The greater the residues you will have available for composting – and the richer and healthier your soil becomes”. Sir Albert Howard.

    By Chris Alenson