Macclesfield Landcare Newsletter

The Landcarer Newsletter

Current Winter 2024 Edition for Download

In this Edition

Macclesfield Landcare Group - New Website Launch

Upcoming Events

What is Biosecurity?

The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)

Rusting in the roof at night - It’s Rodent Season

Spotlight on Spanish Heath

The Landcarer Newsletter

Back Copies for Download

The Landcarer - Autumn 2022 Edition

Review – Iminamuck Farm Walk

Liwik Barring Landscape Conservation Area

Sustainable Farm Practices – Cockchafer and African Black Beetles

Capeweed Management

Wombat Protection

The Landcarer - Winter 2022 Edition

Review – Possum Creek Farm Walk

Update – Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways

Update – Beyond Yellingbo

Gold or Agriculture? – that was the question! (the geological history of Macclesfield)

Carbon credits for farmers that fence off their dams.

Managing Mud

Victorian Deer Control Community Network

The Landcarer - Spring 2022 Edition

Review – Australian Native Bonsai Workshop

Review – Community Planting Event, Spillers Road

Biodiversity, storing carbon and enjoying the awakening of Spring

Next-generation Control of Invasive Vertebrate Pests

Beyond Yellingbo – Conservation at our core

Weeds to tackle this Spring – and some techniques to try

Water usage

‘Weed buster month’ from the Landcarer, October 2012

The Landcarer - Summer 2022 Edition

Review – AGM, Farm walk and Weed Workshop

Inaugural Best Orange in Macclesfield!

Yarra Ranges Landcare Network – AGM and Orchid Talk

Weeds you can live with/use vs weeds to eradicate

A little bottle with a sad history

Melbourne Water update

The Landcarer - Autumn 2023 Edition

Review – Fence Repair Workshop

Wildlife cameras available to members for loan now

Observations from our very wet Winter, Spring and Summer

Wet Spring observations – A soil perspective

Parasite Management in grazing animals

Noxious weed of the season – Ragwort

Review – MLG Christmas event

The Landcarer - Winter 2023 Edition

Feather Plots – Johns Hill Landcare Group deer fencing project

Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides – the story of a

Powerful Owl

Introducing Weedscan

The Landcarer - Spring 2023 Edition

Melbourne Water update – Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways

“Which deer was that?” - A quick guide to deer identification

Weed Control – using everyday, cheap household items

Review – Book Launch “Deep Time”

Review – Two successful planting days at Mineshaft Road

The Landcarer - Summer 2024 Edition

Who stole my creek?

Unlocking your farm dam’s potential – Deakin Uni Blue Carbon Lab

Features of an enhanced farm dam – ANU Sustainable Farms project

Dead-head Agapanthus now! – from The Landcarer, December 2012

Review – AGM and soil workshop / Best Orange in Macclesfield 2023

The ‘Working With Children Check’ – what it is, and why you might need one

Review – Deer Exclusion Fence Solutions field day

The Landcarer - Autumn 2024 Edition

Deer Fence Project Report

H5N1 Avian Influenza update

Local landholders leading the way in habitat restoration: the Beyond Yellingbo initiative

Senegal Tea Plant found in Macclesfield

Fence Repair Workshop at Eastwind Farm - held on Saturday March 16 2024

The Ultimate ‘Working With Children Check’ How-to guide!